How To Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy and Happy


How To Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy and Happy

With regards to oral health care, “The sooner, the better” is a great mindset to embrace. Neglecting baby teeth because of their eventual replacement can lead to serious oral complications in a child’s future. Also, the process of teaching a child valuable oral care practices can be a bonding experience for the parent and child. Winn Family Dentistry is a Chippewa Falls dental practice that has significant experience in treating childrens’ dental issues and encouraging children to adopt and follow good oral hygiene practices. Winn Family Dentistry proudly embraces the WDA’s creed: “Baby Teeth Matter.”

Baby Teeth Do Matter

The importance of baby teeth cannot be understated. Even though permanent teeth eventually replace them, baby teeth provide structure for the emerging permanent teeth. In addition, most children have baby teeth until they are 12 or 13 years old; painful complications such as cavities and infections can cause extensive, long-lasting pain if the problems are not resolved by dentists. Parents in Chippewa Falls should take their children to a childrens’ dentistry clinic in Chippewa Falls by their first birthday, with many dental professionals recommending that a child’s first visit should be at 6 months of age.

For More Information:  Childrens’ dentistry clinic in Chippewa Falls
