Having a child is a very rewarding experience. As parents, you want to take care of them and do what is in their best interests. You take your child for regular doctor appointments for wellness checks and also when they are ill. Many parents, knowing the cost of higher education, begin college funds when their children are born. This gives them the maximum amount of time to begin saving so they are prepared when the moment arrives. One thing many parents do not know, however, is that it is important that your child begin seeing the dentist by their first birthday.
Why So Soon?
Winn Family Dentistry practices children’s dentistry in Chippewa Falls as well as adult dentistry. We know the importance of getting your child started early. Many experts recommend that your child starts seeing the dentist within six months of their first tooth eruption. One good reason is that your child gets comfortable going to the dentist at an early age, which prevents that struggle many parents have later as the child gets older.
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