When you are missing a tooth or more than one tooth, it can be embarrassing to smile. You may feel self-conscious when interacting with others. Missing teeth can limit what you are able to eat and can even affect that way you speak. In the old days of dentistry, you would have to get false teeth put in or you may have even been told it is best to remove all of your teeth and just have dentures made to put in their place.
Fortunately, modern dentistry gives us an alternative to this extreme solution. The modern solution is dental implants. Winn Family Dentistry is a dentist clinic in Chippewa Falls that is certified to provide implants as an option.
What Are Dental Implants?
That is a good question and you should know everything about any procedure you will have to live with. Since this is a blog and not a white paper, we’ll just give you the highlights. To start, this is as close as you can get to having a new natural tooth.
Continue Reading- Dental Implants Chippewa Falls
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